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Mobile Peak Shaver

Case study • 15.06 2020

Nowadays, most companies are concerned about energy management and electricity bill reduction. To help them, we provide a solution adapted to each specific situation, such as construction sites using tower cranes.

Tower cranes consume significant power for short periods of time, which generally require to oversize the grid connection. These peaks can be covered by the Mobile City Battery, a product designed by Near Grid Solutions, a Belgian company.

Mobile City Battery

The Mobile City Battery

Near Grid Solutions has designed a mobile Energy Storage System (ESS) called the Mobile City Battery, aiming at supplying tower cranes with a limited grid connection. The Mobile City Battery is a power booster using batteries to power tower cranes. To avoid oversize grid connections, the batteries are slowly charging between the peaks through the residential grid. In other words, to deliver 120 KVA peak only 11 kVA from the grid are needed!

Flexa, a peak shaver

Peak shaving and Energy Storage are at the heart of CE+T Energrid’s activities. Therefore, Near Grid Solutions has partnered with CE+T Energrid to embody their Mobily City Battery with a customized version of CE+T Power’s Flexa 200 – 400/400.

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