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Modular UPS

Flexa 200 400/230

Reliable, compact and flexible modular UPS for three-phase to single-phase.

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400 Vac
408 Vdc
AC Out
230 Vac
20 kW 20 kVA
Up to
100 kW 100 kVA

What's in it for you?

Flexa 200 is a compact and modular UPS with a conversion efficiency of 96%. This version has a three-phase AC input in 400 Vac and a single phase AC Output of 230 Vac.

The no master/slave configuration, the redundant communication BUS and the IPC9592B certification delivers high availability.

Depending on your needs, power can go from 20 kW up to 100 kW. You are always powered thanks to the fast battery charging capacity (up to 17kW), low ripple voltage and different charging modes.


Key Features

  • 3P to 1P solution
  • Flexibility
  • 96% conversion efficiency
  • Battery management
  • Easy maintenance
  • Compact and lightweight

Technical Data

In/Out: DC voltage (input range) 408 Vdc (336-490)
In: AC voltage (input range) 230 Vac (150-275)
Out: AC voltage 400 Vac
Output power 20 kW / 20 kVA
Efficiency: DC/AC 96%
Efficiency: AC/AC 96%
Temperature -10 to 40 °C
Dimension 3U x 485 mm x 515 mm
Part number T451970201

User manual

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