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Powering up Australian Agriculture

Case study • 07.02 2024

Dairy image

Modern dairy farms need a consistent supply of high-quality energy. That’s because, when it comes to milking, timing is everything. Cows typically need to be milked twice daily. The milk is then kept at a constant temperature before being taken by the tanker to a factory.

However, in Australia, a consistent energy supply is something many businesses can no longer take for granted. The transition to renewables is struggling to keep up with demand, leading to increased prices and risks of power shortages, particularly in remote areas.

While solar might seem like the obvious answer in a land baked in sunshine, early morning and late-in-the-day milking times coincide with the lowest photovoltaic (PV) yields.

To solve this, CE+T Australia has been collaborating with local microgrid expert Redei, which specialises in localised green energy for the Dairy Industry, to create onsite energy infrastructure to maintain constant supply while reducing overall energy costs.

The result is Redei’s Dairy Farm Micro Grid Infrastructure using CE+T’s Sierra 25 bi-directional converters, which play a critical role in converting and distributing energy where it is needed most when it is required.

CE+T Australia’s Ian Rowlands says Micro Grids like this will become increasingly common as Australian farmers look to stay viable in a high-cost energy market.

« Redei and CE+T now have a fantastic template for meeting peak energy demand periods on farms while reducing overall post costs ».

« Importantly, together, we’ve also removed a major obstacle, and that is having to depend upon power from an increasingly unreliable external grid, » he said.

About Redei

Redei is Australia’s leading renewable energy microgrid company for the Dairy Industry. Their extensive industry experience and proven ability in Dairy Farming energy allow Redei to implement infrastructure that will power Dairy Farms for decades, reducing costs, allowing for greater control and visibility, and greener and safer energy.
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Contact Daniel Jung, General Manager REDEI

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