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Meet Ben HAYEN, Director of Global Sales

Team • 17.06 2020

This is Ben Hayen, he has been working at CE+T Power for 6 years. As Director of Global Sales, he is managing and coordinating an international team and helps them to be as effective as possible. After his studies in Hasselt (Belgium), he worked at IBM, Alro, Siemens and Nokia before joining the team of CE+T Power.

Ben Hayen during a partner event

What do you like about CE+T Power?
The people. I confirm we have a great team, with many different cultures. This diversity is a strength and helps us to accomplish important projects as one team.

What is exciting about your job here is…
To deliver a working project within the time and needs of our customers. It’s an exciting challenge! Moreover, having happy customers is really energizing and I think that CE+T Power innovative solutions are part of our success to reach this goal.

What are your hobbies?
I really like to cook and to work in the garden. However, my objective this year is to become a better golfer. Listening to live rock music helps me relax.

If you had to recommend a book, which one will it be?
I only read business oriented books these days, but I would definitely suggest one of Richard Branson’s books because he is a good example and a good leader who inspires me.

Which type of movie do you like the most?
Historical movies about the Middle Age, about the different wars because it shows how good life we have today, how hard it can be and how people in the most difficult circumstances can deliver the best of themselves.

What is your favorite quote?
“The best defence is the attack”

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